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Rogue City was a bumper packed action movie, Marseille is a loyal hardworking cop, he is entangled in the dealings of police corruption and the gangs, after some issues that occurred in the city and almost brought serious chaos, he is forced to take laws into his hands to protect his squad no matter the cost. Read also: Netflix launches new website for Top 10 movies and series

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If you do enjoy gangster rivalry kind of movies this 1h 46m movie directed by Cecillia Verheyden might be worth your while, the movie featured Frank Lammers, Elise Schaap, Huub Stapel, Raymond Thiry,etc. The movie was about a gangster group in Amsterdam, Ferry was his right hand man who did all the dirty jobs, one day a rival gang kills Brinks son and Ferry is sent to go take out every one of the bad guys who perpetuated the bad act, it’s so funny how life works, on getting there Ferry meets the love of his life Danielle and she changes the cause of his life for good, transforming Ferry’s life into one worth living, I just couldn’t believe how a tyrant could become so meek all for love, love indeed is a wonderful thing.

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She worked as a security officer in a company, one there was a sudden attack called global hysteria that destroyed all electronic devices and took away the ability for humans to sleep, except 2 people on earth an elderly woman and Jill’s daughter Matlida, Jill had to do everything in her power to protect her kids, the irony of life was that where they had thought they would find safety was actually a test lab, do check it and see the action for yourelf, the 1h 36m movie was directed by Mark Raso, featured Gina Rodriguez, Ariana Greenblatt, Lucius Hoyos, Jennifer Jason Leigh etc.

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The movie started quiet slowly and moved on quickly into the action scenes, Jill was a former soldier, who had a son and a daughter, and they lived with their grand mum.

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